Leap in the world
of homebrews.

Leap Homebrew Engine, the first complete multiplatform visual programming software and game engine for homebrewers. A full IDE, no programming required, 2D and 3D graphics and a wide support of architectures.
Interoperability with Blender, SpriteFonts, Tiled editors.

Visual Programming

Create your dream project without any programming knowledge requirement. Leap (Gen7) Engine speaks logic blocks!

One Engine, Countless Platforms

Deploy your homebrew game or app on Windows, Linux, Nintendo Switch, Wii, Gamecube, Sony PSP and more.

Docs & Tutorials

Learn quickly and efficiently how to use Leap Engine thanks to Documentation and Video Tutorials.

Discover a new way to create homebrews

Homebrew development is now accessible to everyone 馃槈


Visual programming experience

Create your entire application or game using only logic blocks and without needing any programming knowledge background. And extend with new custom blocks thanks to the plugin system.


A Complete Software Development Kit

Enjoy a complete SDK with all the development tools integrated to take care of deploying your project on your wanted platforms without any hassle.
Interoperability with SpriteFonts, Blender, Tiled editors.


Create Once, Play Everywhere

Thanks to versatile technologies such as visual programming, Python scripting and support for the most popular assets formats, create once your project and know it’ll run and look on all the platforms (almost) same.

Use your most favorite Tools
such as Blender, Tiled

Use world-class proven editors such as Blender for 3D environments, Tiled for 2D environments or even GiveYourFontsMono for stylized text to create highly qualitative contents and application UI, easily.

Ready to start? Welcome!


Download for Windows and Linux, no setup or toolchains required.


Learn how to use Leap Engine with the official documentation.
Check the plugins on the Github repository.


Show your appreciation for the project by supporting us on
Open Collective.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Leap Engine (previously Gen7 Engine)?

Leap Engine is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), quite like pretty known game engines but this time adapted for any software and not only games, and focused on homebrew platforms.

What are some benefits of using Visual Programming?
Do I need to know how to code to use it?

Visual Programming provides a more user-friendly, streamlined approach tosoftware development. It allows users to create the logic by only using blocks linked together like in Blockly or Scratch, and so it completely replaces the need for coding.

Can I use a classic scripting language?

Yes, Leap (Gen7) Engine uses under the hood a Python interpreter that you can use directly for your software program instead of Visual Programming.

What assets formats are supported by Leap Engine?

All common image formats (JPEG, PNG, TGA, BMP) including spritefonts, and 3D Wavefront OBJ models, with MTL materials library. Blender plugin available.

Can I create features and plugins?

Yup, you can develop plugins and custom Visual Programming blocks to create new features, and redistribute them. Find the official Plugins repository on Github.

Any other questions?

Feel free to join the Discord community. Questions are welcome.

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